torsdag 18 september 2008

Story telling, myths and the music industry

Skickade just upp ett inlägg på vår gemensamma blogg Digital Rennaissance, om branschens oförmåga att skapa bra stories kring digital musik. En liten provtugga:

When it comes to digital distribution and the format shift, the industry has totally lost its ability to create good stories. Internally in the business, the main stories are the ones about catastrophy. Behind-the-scene stories about how totally incompetent the staff are, myths about what the industry does or does not to create a Big Brother society, stories that almost becomes tales, getting worse for each person passing it on.

All I hear are stories that are negative, negative, negative.

Of course these negative stories spreads to other industries, to journalists, to IT people, to artists and to the regular music fan. How can we suspect that anyone in any way is going to pay for digital music when the story all the time is that everything is going to hell? Who wants to invest their money in catastrophy?

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

helt klart de är för många som för in "neggo" grejer men det finns kanske en lösning......tror ja bara att hitta den...och lösningen är bara artisterna musikerna...

kan man få dem..
